

Heitor Scalambrini Costa
Professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco

Pernambuco is experiencing a situation, similar to many others that occur in the country and with respect to the model adopted by predatory development. Who pays for “progress” at the local level are the native people, forced to leave their homes, creating major social problems. And the environment also pays a high price, where they are discharging toxic products and destroying the vegetation, this reflex in animal life, in rivers and streams. This local activity has been added negatively to so many others, which occur in the national territory, and on the entire planet.

It is noted that the society ceased to be mesmerized by the economic growth at all costs (expressed in larger monetary values of GDP, which does not take into account the environmental costs). And what you observe is a conflict between the superior economic interest and the collective interest of the population, the environment and its ecosystems, finally, of all the events in the plan of life. In this clash, without the participation of civil society, money has won inexorably.

With the megalomania of the works of the Suape Port and Industrial Complex, it is evident the effects of a disorderly growth, reflexes of serious destructiveness, affecting mainly the indigenous people, farmers, which end up being entirely ignored, becoming invisible to the eyes of society. Especially, with the role of propaganda which only highlights the virtues of economic projects.

The surrounding residents accumulate complaints against the authority of the Port of Suape, and they are witnesses of a process that has created poverty and desolation. There are reported broken promises, manipulation and pressure on the inhabitants of the area, that consists of 22 gadgets (13,500 ha and approximately 15,000 families) where the Complex is located, the lack of information, intransigence in the negotiations and intolerance to deal with the population.

The evacuation of this territory by the State has occurred in a gruesome way, without “friendly” negotiation with the residents. Many times, using what is called in the region “armed militias” for the execution of the processes of reintegration of possession against the small rural producers. It is a farce to call it “negotiating” to set the compensation to be paid and correct details of evacuating the residents. Complaints and more complaints are constant, some revealed by the media, but nothing is done. Without doubt, one of the reasons these arbitrary expulsions is the overvaluation, speculation in the price of land, which is very disputed by business groups.

The process of “expropriation”, has been characterized by expropriation and trespass, with the State Constitution and with the march of involuntary resettlement-MRI of Pernambuco Project Sustainable Rural-PRS (available in http://www.prorural.pe.gov.br/arquivos/marco_reassentamento.pdf), whose goal is the treatment of the issues that involve the change or unintentional loss of place of residence, the loss of income or means of subsistence, as a result of implementation of projects.

Articles of the Magna Law and the guidelines of the MRI/PRS are being violated, socially and environmentally. For example, article 139 in the constitution, says that the State and municipalities must promote economic development, combining freedom of initiative with the higher principles of social justice, with the purpose of ensuring the elevation of the level of life and well-being of the population. Also article 210 which deals with the protection of the environment is disrespected, as well as article 211 which prohibits the State, in the form of the law, granting any benefit, tax incentives or credit, to physical or legal people, with activities, that pollute the environment.

Farmers evicted, have no idea where they can reestablish their productive system ensuring their quality of life. On the contrary, they are losing interest in life, being constrained with the actions of police, armed men that make them feel like real bandits. In addition to the conditions of a worthy life, for these farmers, their condition of existence and other goods that are immaterial are being removed. And even those that try their luck in cities can’t purchase any property with the derisory compensation of Suape.

Therefore, it is urgent before the “social cauldron” explodes, a new format of the negotiating process, review of the compensations, the withdrawal of armed militias, the land regularization of these residents and the immediate implementation of the project “morador” (Law 13,175 of 27 December 2006) which guarantees the right to public politician, for farmers who live in the vicinity of Suape.

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